The Alinker on TED – innovation for inclusion

Barbara Alink shares her insights into how we can promote inclusion and create a safer community through purposeful design.

In today's society, aging, disability, and mobility challenges are seldom part of the conversation. Whenever these topics do come to light, they are rarely associated with innovation or inspired design.

Why not? These spaces are ripe with the potential for innovation and exploration.

Understanding context, overcoming challenges.

'Design' speaks to purpose, plan and intention. The design process involves working towards a solution that is equally as functional as it is well-crafted.

Finding context in design helps establish the necessary balance between form and function, and requires a detailed understanding of a person's potential experience. Unfortunately, this understanding of context is not reflected in the design of many of today’s mobility aids.

Current walking aids can actually emphasize a person's mobility issues. For example, many aids require people to sit or stand below eye level. How many people are hesitant to embrace mobility products because of the potential associated stigmas?

The Alinker is designed in the truest sense; crafted with an appreciation of style, while supporting an active life-style, regardless of a person's physical challenges. It blends aesthetic form with purposeful functionality. The Alinker is crafted with a nuanced understanding of the way people use it, and the reasons they’ll embrace it: equality, inclusion, safety, and independence.

In this groundbreaking TEDTalk, Barbara Alink expands upon the concept of healthcare that truly supports wellness – while providing dignity, excitement, and an inclusive population.

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